Sunday, October 11, 2009

I am Re-starting this blog

From now on this will be the Live (and sometimes not) Music Review. What does that mean?

Well first, and most importantly, it means I'll be writing in this thing again.

Second, I will renew my focus on live concerts. In fact, I'll make it a goal to review a live show every single day. I'll probably come closer to 4 a week. Will I really be attending 4 concerts a week? No. I will be reviewing concerts that can be found online as well as concerts I have attended. Some of the ones I attend will turn up on NYCTaper, but most will not. I will be reviewing shows that have previously been recorded and are available on all of the free tape sources on the Internet. I will also provide links to various resources as well as reviews of new sites as I discover them.

I do not record concerts myself. I don't have the equipment, the know-how, and to be honest, I don't really want to if there are other people out there doing it. Recording concerts would severely impair my ability to stand up front and shout as loudly as I want. It's just too high a price.

Probably my biggest resource for the time being will be the Live Music Archive. Hopefully other tapers will see this blog and give me more resources. It's my hope to encourage taping and sharing of live concert material. Music is usually best experienced in a live setting, and too few bands make their concert recordings widely available.

So moving forward, this site will provide nearly daily reviews of non-album live shows/recordings. I will also review new albums as I obtain them, but these reviews will be much less regular than the live reviews. Pictures will be available when I went to shows and my girlfriend took pictures. I also need to change the name.

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